Primary B - Medieval Times
- Faith - Pray, sing hymns, and know God by reading the psalms, Genesis, Matthew, and Christian biographies (Joan of Arc, Squanto, and William Tyndale).
- History - See history's tapestry through biographies, riveting historical fiction, period literature, and key chapters of a history spine.
- Mathematics - Explore numbers 1 through 1,000, the four number operations, and fractions by paying attention to real things, describing them, manipulating them, knowing place value and math facts, and keeping a math notebook, and building fluency with mental math.
- Language arts - Soak up literary language by hearing living books read aloud; memorizing and reciting poems, songs, and hymns; neatly copying sentences from their books; improving their reading ability; and telling what they know. See our FAQ.
- Science and Nature Study - Wonder about the world and things in it by gardening, fieldwork and notebooking experiments connected to the area of study, reading biographies of scientists connected to the focus of their lessons, walking Santee National Wildlife Refuge regularly, and documenting animals, insects, birds, and plants in their nature notebook.
- Geography - Do focused map studies of the literature and history studied, learn about the world as outlined in Ambleside Online's geography recommendations, and explore the Mississippi River through Minn of the Mississippi and Asia through the life of Marco Polo.
- Literature - Cherish classic books, sample tales, mythology, and memorable stories such as Little Pilgrim's Progress, Wind in the Willows, and Robin Hood.
- Poetry - Memorize and read poems by feature poets, James Whitcombe Riley and Walter de La Mare.
- Art - Study the work of three artists, beginning with Leonardo da Vinci.
- Music - Study compositions by three composers, beginning with George Gershwin, and sing folk songs.
- South Carolina - Know their school yard and neighborhood and make visits to our friends at Lake Marion Nursing Home. Read the biographies of famous South Carolinians like Francis Marion and Thomas Sumter.
- Ancients Thread - Learn about peoples from the ancient world through Stories of Rome.
- Spanish - Sing songs, recite parts in plays, have simple conversations, and hear and read children's books in Spanish.
- Handwork - Craft with their hands and make paper objects with simple tools such as rulers, glue, scissors, and tape.