At Harvest, we believe in three foundational keys to education: Jesus, habits, and academics. We desire that children delight in the Lord Jesus Christ, our trustworthy and loving Savior. Families of students and teachers can grow in the Christian faith as we learn more about Jesus, His Kingdom, and the Good News that He offers. The source of our understanding of Christ is grounded in the Bible. We also see His handprints throughout the world and in our relationship with Him and with others. We hope that the Harvest community finds joy, wonder, and rest in our fellowship together.
Jesus is the cornerstone to other parts of this foundation (habits and academics). We do not separate education from the spiritual life of children. Children long to know and love God. We help them seek constant access to the Continual Helper who cares about their interests, duties, and joys of life. This recognition gives us an Ally in training virtuous habits such as attention, listening and seeing, remembering, neatness, and service. The Spirit, who comes down to us like a dove, offers us self-control in becoming more like Christ.
These habits of life and learning enable children to concentrate on their academics. Students who pay attention can listen and see fully. They retell what they observe to help them remember. We rely primarily on narratives because stories leave an imprint on the mind. Research shows that casual connections create a web of associations and forge strong memories. Children remember what inspires them to think. Because we encourage careful observation of living books, nature, art, music, etc., they have many opportunities to ponder and wonder. Our curriculum, which offers delightful living to children, builds broad background knowledge. Students who work carefully and neatly the first time have opportunities to learn more. Finally, the three foundational keys enable them to find and fulfill God’s calling and to serve others.