Kindergarten - Building a Foundation of Living Books, Nature, Good Habits
We consider Lower Primary as the time before formal academics, which begin in first grade (typically on or after age 6). We focus on helping the child discover his own world through his own explorations during lots of outdoor time and real tasks at school. When the child shows an interest, we informally introduce gentle academics through playing with objects (for beginning math concepts) or playing with letters (for beginning reading).
- Faith - Pray, sing hymns, and know God better through a children's book of Bible stories.
- Sense of People and Time - Ponder holidays, seasons, and simple stories about children and people from other times.
- Mathematics - Learn mathematical ideas through manipulatives and an atmosphere of play and wonder.
- Language arts - Soak up literary language by hearing living books read aloud, memorizing and reciting poems, songs, and hymns, and tell what they know as they are able. See our FAQ.
- Nature Study - Wonder about nature by studying insects, turtles, birds, and plants, hearing animal stories.
- Geography - Pay attention to the outside world which is the foundation for geography.
- Literature - Cherish classic books for young children, Mother Goose, fairy tales, and beloved picture books.
- Poetry - Memorize and recite nursery rhymes and poems that delight children.
- Art - Study the work of three artists.
- Music - Sing folk songs and hymns at the morning meeting.
- South Carolina - Know their school yard, neighborhood on walks, and our friends at the nursing home.
- Spanish - Sing simple songs, recite parts in plays, have simple conversations, and hear and read children's books in Spanish.
- Handwork - Learn how to make simple crafts with their hands.